Monday, 11 January 2010

Polling is Back!

365 Days of Food resized

Hi Everybody,

Since it's just 2 short weeks* till the end of the 365 Days of Food, we're having final polls. Two! The first being the Best Photo of the 365 Days of Food and the second being Worst Photo of the 365 Days of Food. The shortlist for each of the polls was compiled mostly by me, but with a little feedback. If there's an image you particularly like, that's not here, let me know and I'll try to sneak it in. As per usual, feel free to vote on as many items as you like. Voting will be open until the 25th of January, midnight, the final night* of the 365 Days of Food.

* On the topic of the "end" of the 365 Days of Food, it turns out that I made something of a mistake when starting on the first day of the Chinese New Year (January 26th, 2009). The next Chinese New Year Festival doesn't happen until the 14th of February, which makes for 385 days in this Chinese Calendar Year. As it turns out the Chinese Calendar normally has 353-355 days in a year except for a leap year... where they have a whole extra month! And this year is a leap year, thus the 385 in this Chinese Calendar Year.

So... should I persist until the end of the Chinese Year, making 385 days in my "365 Days of Food" or should I just stop on Australia Day (which I'll be celebrating in Australia). I haven't decided yet, but am open to suggestions!

Vote Away!

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